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TheCATCHer 2015. 3. 26. 12:50

How to beat the Outland Portal


This is my list of recommended Heroes for every currently available Outland Portal Boss Fight(Robot Fighter, Northern Dragon, Raged Blood, Burning Phoenix and the Lord of the Caves):

1. Robot Fighter

-> Heroes with DoT (Damage over Time).

recommended Heroes:
CHAP Chaplain
OC Old Curse
PO Poisoned One
SSH Shadow Shaman
SIL Silencer (disable boss magic attacks)
SUCCU Succubus
WS Wandering Spearman

recommended Tanks:
DB Disease Bringer (Damage over Time and summons Tank)
PSY Psychopath (best DoT Tank, highest magic resist, Ultimate can stun and cancel the boss Ultimate)

2. Northern Dragon

-> Heroes who can fly in the Outland Portal.

recommended Heroes:
MM Master Mage
OC Old Curse
PHO Phoenix
PT Pilot
PO Poisoned One

recommended Tanks: need to be robust
SH Soul Hunter
WC Warchief

If you don’t own many flying Heroes, you can use Heroes who support your Team with Auras and improve your damage:
COM Commando
LG Lunar Guardian
MY Mystic
SL Shadow Leaf


3. Raged Blood

-> Heroes who can heal. You don’t exactly need healers, you need to survive, the boss will kill himself after sometime. A complete Tank setup with a little bit heal works fine on this boss too.

recommended Heroes:
CHAP Chaplain
CW Cloud walker (Clones can absorb some attacks for tanks)
DM Death Mage
NEC Necromancer
SSH Shadow Shaman
SH Soul Hunter
SM Sword Master
WS Wandering Spearman

recommended Tanks:
CLER Cleric
DK Death Knight
DB Disease Bringer (Summons a Giant to tank)
WC Warchief


4. Burning Phoenix

-> Heroes who can do repeatedly physical Damage at the Outland Portal. Don’t use the Auto Mode on this Boss, save your Ultimates until the Phoenix is in his egg.

recommended Heroes:
Bear Warrior
CW Cloud Walker
PA Drunken Master
NA Ninja Assassin
RM Rifleman (activate his Blue Skill ‘Stimulant’ when the boss is in the egg)
SL Shadowleaf
SM Sword Master
VW Vanguard Warrior
WS Wandering Spearman

recommended Tanks:
DK Death Knight (Can use his Aura, if your other Heroes won’t survive the beam attack)


5. The Lord of the Caves

-> Needs high single target magic Burst-Damage. Don’t turn on Auto, save the activatable abilities and use them when the Lord of the Caves emerges from the ground!

recommended Heroes:
Death Mage
ES Emberstar
FM Frost Mage
IM Ice Mage
IE Imperial Executioner
LE Lightning Elemental
LG Lunar Guardian (not that good at higher Levels)
MACH Machinist
MY Mystic
NEC Necromancer

recommended Tanks:

The best way to kill the Lord o